Ready to ditch the procrastinator label for good?

How would it feel if...

When you know you need to do something, you sit down and do it instead of saying, “I’ll do it later.”

The motivation flows to you. Getting started on tasks (whether it’s your work to-do’s or doing the laundry) no longer feels like dragging your feet in the mud.

You’re more focused now, which means you’re faster at executing because you’re no longer numbing yourself with mindless TikTok scrolling and watching cat videos.

You’re starting to *actually* make progress on your personal and professional goals because you finally have the white space in your calendar for people and things that matter to you.

But let me guess, right now you’re…

Here’s the thing, society has led you to believe that procrastination is a “laziness” problem.

Fun fact: it isn’t.

Procrastination is a prolonged freeze response. That’s why it’s so hard to willpower your way through the things you’ve been avoiding.

Pushing yourself to “just do it” only results in analysis paralysis until the deadline.

So you bust out a huge amount of energy trying to pull it off.

And you do.

Then by the time you’ve finished the task, you’re already burnt out.

But you end up repeating the same cycle.

What if I told you that there's a step-by-step system designed to help you ditch your procrastination and perfectionism patterns?

A system that will empower you with techniques that are *actually* implementable and not just theoretical?

If you’re done trying to power through tasks with Pomodoro timers, calendar blocking, “eating the frog,” and crossing your fingers, that motivation will magically fall into your lap one day.

I have just the thing for you!


Today not Tomorrow

The ONLY procrastination-prevention program you’ll ever need to kick the “I’ll do it later” habits to the curb so you can *finally* take steps to progress towards your goals.

Client Testimonials

Today not Tomorrow Curriculum

The good news is to learn all of this you just have to show up to the live masterclasses! No more complex courses collecting dust on your shelf. I’ll be right there with you every week with constant live support. If you would like to supplement your learnings, you can easily listen to our private podcast on the go, or plug into bonus pre-recorded lessons.

Phase 1:

Master Your Mind

Truth bomb: your mind is a bully which is why harnessing your “I’ll do it later” thoughts is the first step to shifting your habits. Get clear on how to build awareness around your thoughts and feelings that are keeping you from taking action so you can create a more realistic approach to completing what is needed.

Phase 2:

Emotional Management and Somatic Work

We don’t avoid actions; we avoid feelings. In this phase, you’ll learn how to get comfortable with the fears of not being good enough or failing so that you can reduce the resistance that’s in between you and the task at hand. Learning somatic practices will help put you into a relaxed state. Building your emotional agility makes it easier for you to start sooner, finish deadlines on time, and be more present with the things you want to do. 

Phase 3:

Rock-Solid Self-Worth

Build a life free from “I should be pursuing this/doing this” activities and replace them with things that excite you to wake up on a Monday morning. And the key to being able to do that? Self-love. I know it’s easier said than done, which is why I’ll be handing you the *exact* tools you need so that you can build up your self-worth so you’re no longer constantly looking at other people to validate you.

Phase 4:

Fear Exposing

Fear is the main reason people don’t do things. The more you feed the all-or-nothing voice in your head, the longer you’ll be stuck waiting for the perfect environment to start doing something. And I’m here to change that. In this phase, I’m sharing with you my fear exposing formula that will help you take back your self-agency and confidence. Tasks will feel so much easier to work on without the small voice constantly worrying if you’re doing a good enough job.

Phase 5:

Time and Stress Management

By this phase, you’ll already have learned how to identify, label and work through these feelings. This is why your next step is to learn specific techniques to efficiently approach tasks and consistently stay on top of things have a massive boost in your productivity. We’re weaving in burnout prevention tools so that you can set yourself up for more energized days.

Phase 6

The Science of Motivation and Goal Setting

Learn what it actually takes to boost your daily motivation. Get realistic on what you can *actually* accomplish so you can take small, consistent steps vs no steps at all. By creating this habit, and knowing the proven techniques for how to approach your biggest dreams, you’ll be able to build the momentum and motivation you need to accelerate the progress towards your goals.

After going through Today not Tomorrow

Picture this:

You’re more present on weekends because your to-do list isn’t looming in the back of your mind.

You’re getting that overdue promotion because you *finally* completed a major project on time.

You’re no longer freaking out about every single thing because you’ve accepted that highs and lows are a totally normal and inevitable part of life.

Instead of all or nothing behavior, you celebrate every small step you’ve taken towards your tasks.

You’re clearer about where you’re directing your life because you’re no longer second guessing yourself.

Hey, I’m Grace!

I help people overcome procrastination, people-pleasing, burnout, and perfectionism so they can get out of their own way, build lasting happiness, and have the confidence to say, “I’m proud of my life.”

Since you’re here, it means that you care about your personal development and are motivated to take action.

I see you, because I used to be in your shoes.

When I was in college, I had my fair share of late-nighters, deadline crunches, “I am sorry this is late” emails, and lying about my progress to cover my butt, which led to feeling guilty.

I tried everything under the sun on procrastination. The strategies often just left me wondering what was wrong with me.

And it made me realize that the marketed solutions are just exacerbating the problem.
Which is why I created Today not Tomorrow.

My goal is to hand you everything I’ve learned about emotional and time management and package it into an actionable system.

A system that will help you better understand yourself so you can become more efficient at work, manage your time and build habits that carry you toward your goals instead of waiting for motivation to come.

Much love!


What’s included?

Today not Tomorrow Curriculum ($1,000 Value)

6 Live Monthly Masterclasses with Grace ($800 Value)

6 months of Weekly Group Accountability Calls ($700 Value)

6 Live Monthly Group Coaching Calls with Grace ($700 Value)

Private podcast so you can listen to lessons on the go ($500 Value)

Private Telegram Community for on demand Questions ($500 Value)

Bonus: Career Roadmap ($100 Value)

Bonus: TNT Toolbox, including Grace's Procrastination Cheat Sheet ($100 Value)

Watch this video to take a look inside
Today not tomorrow!

The proof is in the pudding…


Real Estate Group Founder and CTO

“I think some of my biggest results were just in general mentality shifts – my ability to digest emotions and enjoy them in all their forms is far more advanced than I ever thought than I ever than I ever could have imagined.”


Part-time Singer Songwriter

“Grace made me feel heard. She’s very passionate about what she does. She opened my eyes to the fact that being a perfectionist is something that a lot of people deal with and that there are ways to combat it.”


Business Owner

“My experience has been nothing short of a miracle. I learned how to stay highly motivated both personally and in business. Even though I had a busy schedule, enrolling myself helped me save time in the long run and not procrastinate.”


Tech Startup Employee

“I feel so much lighter and happier because I really learned how to understand and embrace myself through this program. I now feel so much more control over my time and my mental capacity.”


Personal Development Coach

“Grace’s videos were so cutting and full of clear and actionable advice. Her advice was always very concise and showed some depth of understanding that she understood the root cause of the issues that we’re dealing with.”

The total value of this program is $4000 but you’re not even paying half of that.

Are you ready for consistent, motivated and productive days so that you can meet your full potential?

Pay Upfront

1 Payment of $2,255

Pay Monthly

6 Payments of $396

Is Today not Tomorrow for me?

Let’s make sure it’s the perfect fit, shall we?

TNT is 100% a perfect fit for you if…

TNT is likely NOT a match for you if...

Oh, you want more proof? I got you.


Remote Teacher

“I’m a better role model for my daughters. I can manage my anxiety much better. Happiness doesn’t seem to be a destination anymore, it’s just something that happens more frequently.”


Virtual Assistant

“This program encourages you to improve yourself and better yourself. It encouraged me to take risks and say yes to opportunities that felt scary. The program is for you if you are ready to take the next step in your life.”


Founder of an AI Consultancy

“You should work with Grace if you’ve tried it all and are still stuck, if you have fears that are preventing you from getting what you know is right within reach, and if you have a dream that you know it’s time to get to.”


Creative Writer

“If I hadn’t done this course with Grace, I wouldn’t have realized just how achievable so many things are. It’s freed up so much mental chatter around getting things right all the time and procrastinating.”


Content Creator

“Working with Grace, I feel she’s actually living what she’s doing. She has that authenticity, which inspired me to stop procrastinating on the things that I want in my life & to really go out there and try to get them.”

Still on the fence? Let’s tackle your FAQs.

A lot of my clients come to me feeling like they have tried everything. The trouble is time management methods are not effective without learning how to manage your mind and emotions. Coaching is more action-focused, vs therapy, which can bring awareness but not necessarily instruct on how to move forward.  The worst case is you continue to live with these challenging habits and don’t try anything else. The best case is you end up with a similar success story to the students above.

Monthly masterclasses take place the 2nd Thursday of each month at 11 am EST. Monthly coaching calls take place the 3rd Thursday of each month at 11 am EST. All recordings will be posted in our private Slack community, where you can have your questions answered by me and interact with other members.

We hold 4 accountability calls per week at different times and on different days – I recommend you pick ONE. Mondays at 3 pm EST, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6 am EST, and Wednesdays at 11:30 am EST. If you cannot make these times, reach out to me and I will recommend a tool that is just as effective at helping you work on what you’ve been procrastinating.

On average you can expect to allocate 1-1.5 hours per week during coaching call weeks, and 15-20 min during non-coaching call weeks for implementing tools and listening to mini lessons. Ultimately this course will be paying you back in time by 10-fold.

I know these decisions are hard. Try to locate your inner voice, which fear often clouds. Step into what it would feel like to say yes. See if that seems to disagree or agree with you gut and make a call from there. If you’ve been thinking about taking your career to the next level, now is the time to jump in.

The strategies I teach work equally well for wherever you are located and whatever career stage you are in. I do not teach a “one size fits all” method. I expose you to different tools and techniques so you can gather the best ones that work for you. At the end of the day, my job isn’t to convince you to sign up for Today not Tomorrow. It’s just to make sure that you have all the information you need to make a great decision.

Unlike most programs, Today not Tomorrow is built for different learning styles. Some people love audio visual modules and some people love audio only. While others like live-only lessons and some love transcripts. However way you prefer to learn will be supported. 

TNT has 3 types of ways you can learn: 

  • Live 90 minute masterclasses each month 
  • Live 60 minute coaching calls each month 
  • Lean potent modules in a course format in the student portal 
  • Private podcast for on the go learning 

All live lessons are recorded. 

Part of why I created Today not Tomorrow, is because I wanted a primarily live program where you will experience most of your transformation. There is coursework outside of the calls, but that is to supplement your learning with micro lessons. 

Do you procrastinate watching my social media videos? The reason you avoid your work is because it brings up uncomfortable feelings. This course doesn’t cause overwhelm, it reduces it. This course doesn’t overload your schedule, it gives you time back. You want to address this problem, so you are going to be eager to jump into the material. I give you the option to pair up with an accountability partner, who can help hold you to progress inside the program.

I cap enrollment to keep these calls small, so you will always have to opportunity to get coached by me. This is a brand new program, so I can’t fully predict how many students will show up to calls.  In past similar programs, there were usually a range between 20-45 attending. If attendance ever reached past 45, I would cap enrollment, or open up more coaching calls. 

Every single person who has ever asked a question outside of calls has received a personal response within 48 hours. If you prefer a smaller group, you can check out my program Free to Create. 

This is the lowest cost my program is ever offered with the most bonuses I have ever offered.  That being said, I would love for you to join when it is a good time for you! This is an evergreen program, meaning there you could enroll next month without the discounts or bonuses. 

Once this program reaches capacity, I will pause enrollment to keep the calls small. If you want to do the program, enroll now to ensure you have a spot. If you’ve been waiting for someday, stop waiting. Get in and get the help you need.

A major change I made with this program was only provide program access for 6 months and here’s why –  After going through programs myself, I have noticed I am more motivated to listen to lessons on my own, if I know my access expires.

6 months will factor in plenty of time for when life gets in the way. Trust me on this one!

This course will be incredibly eye-opening and effective for you, whether you are neurotypical or neurodivergent. I have worked with many clients who have ADHD/ADD and many who don’t, and learned what to recommend for each group. I have a specific lesson with procrastination strategies for students who have ADHD, that I built with the help from ADHD strategists. I also have specific tools I recommend for those who have ADHD. The core solution is still learning how to manage your mind, emotions, and having access to tools that make it much easier to start.

Yes, once you learn my step-by-step process, you can implement it for anything you are avoiding, large or small. We dig into the root, I teach you how to coach yourself through it, and you know what tools to turn to when you need some extra ease in starting.

There are 4 calls you can pick from each week baed on what’s best for your schedule. You only need to pick one to attend each week to see increased productivity, but you’re welcome to come to as many as you’d like. 

Everyone hops on at the start to share what they have been putting off. We all then go on mute and deep work on the task. 

At the end, we’ll check in with you on how your progress went. Everyone finds they have much higher rates of focus and productivity since the calls introduce intentionality and someone holding you accountable at the end. 

Since inner work takes time, these are a way for you to hit the ground running on things you’ve been putting off from the very start of the program. As well as a way for you to learn how to incorporate deep work into your schedule. 

Have another question?

Email and we’ll be happy to help.