Case Study

Bea’s Results

's Results

Bea overcame the fear of failure and the fear of rejection and finally left a soul-sucking job and landed admittance to her dream university.

“Before joining TNT my biggest struggle was procrastination. It wasn’t that I didn’t have plans or ideas. I just always felt so afraid and would jump into worst-case thinking, without giving myself a chance of what I could be or could learn.

I also had an all-or-nothing mindset. Either something is fantastic or terrible.

Before joining the program, my self-talk was really critical but also very messy. Before I attempted something, I would build myself up to something that is basically an impossible standard to meet.

My life is so much better. Everything has changed so much for me. And now, in June, I got into my dream university to do a graduate course. I never would have even applied if I wouldn’t have started the messy action stuff.

It is night and day. My whole life has done a complete 180.

Since joining Today not Tomorrow I have been able to achieve a lot. One of the most important changes I made was being honest about what I wanted.

I have been able to get into my dream university, set up better time and emotional boundaries, get rid of negative self talk and also build better relationships with friends and family. It was a really great foundation because it made me aware of how much emotional garbage I was dealing with. I was able to dig into why certain things bothered me, what beliefs was I holding on to that were hurting me, giving myself grace through the process, and eliminating shame and self talk, and be able to prioritize and not have so much clutter in my life and to do list.

It has been a monumental shift and it’s because I have been better at managing my expectations of myself.

Before Today not tomorrow, I had this mindset that it has to be perfect or it’s not worth doing. Now I understand that I can take messy action towards my goal because I can always refine it later. A lot of my fears were internal, fear of failure and fear of rejection. I stopped caring!

Grace cares about all her clients. There has never been a time where Grace has rushed people off a call. She listens intently to what the issue is. She given so many resources for us to receive the help we need. She never belittles anyone’s pain or problem. Grace’s program is the best I have experienced.

I decided that I was going to try the program and if it didn’t work I would just stop. What I found was that in a very short period of time I started seeing returns in the form of emotional well being and the skill set to clear a lot of emotional back log that I wasn’t even aware I was dealing with.

I am confident that the investment is definitely worth it. If you are on the fence, it means that a part of you that agrees with that. Intuitively, you know that there is something here for you so reasons why you think that is going to be like other things you’ve experienced but from someone who tried other things before I can guarantee it’s not. There aren’t enough words to describe what a huge impact the program has had on my life. You saw something of value and you should trust your instincts and sign up

There are a lot of people suffering emotionally and don’t even know where to start. Your program really helps to declutter.

There are no words to describe how grateful I am for this program!

Do you want to have the same results?