Ready to ditch the procrastinator label for good?
Ever feel like your to-do list is your worst enemy? Do you freeze up overanalyzing details or delay important tasks for fear of messing up? If so, you’re not alone. You’ve likely been told it’s just a lack of discipline or time management skills, but the real cause runs much deeper than that.
Quick fixes for deep-rooted habits like procrastination and perfectionism are band aids at best and actively counterproductive at worst.
Relying on sheer willpower. Forcing yourself to work harder. Or white-knuckling your way through.
These solutions often backfire (see: burnout) because they don’t resolve the hidden factors that cause your habits in the first place.
The truth is you don’t avoid actions — you avoid the difficult emotions attached to them.
Your brain has learned to associate feelings like fear of failure, overwhelm, anxiety, and self-doubt with certain tasks and projects.
Basically your mind confuses things like your taxes or that overdue complex proposal for a lion chasing you, and we need to fix that so that you can reduce your stress levels!

The resistance often manifests as…
- Hitting “snooze” over and over, starting each day already behind
- Sitting down to work but ending up in a YouTube or TikTok rabbit hole for hours
- Ignoring your to-do list and deciding that your floors need an immediate deep-clean
- Obsessing over last-minute details and battling analysis paralysis when you do start
- Relying on deadlines and stress to force yourself into a mad last-minute scramble
To truly break free from the grip of your avoidant and perfectionist tendencies, you need more than just quick fixes or surface-level solutions…
You need a new approach that digs deep into their hidden roots so you can finally stop sabotaging your best intentions and hindering your progress.
If you’re looking for a battle-tested system to get you out of this vicious cycle, I have just the thing for you!
Meet Grace Brodeur
I coach high-performing procrastinators who are ready to be in control of starting tasks earlier without needing external motivators so they can ditch the guilt of doing things last minute.
My philosophy is we don’t avoid actions, we avoid feelings, and time management hacks are useless if a healthy sense of self-worth, strong belief systems, and solid emotional management aren’t in place..
I’d be willing to bet you’re frustrated because you’ve tried..
- 30-min timers
- Calendar blocking
- Self-help books like “Eat the Frog”
- The pretty planner
- Talk therapy
- Accountability
I see you and I know you’re here because you don’t want to settle for another 20 years of eat, sleep, procrastinate repeat.
Building the self-accountability to start your days without needing 30-minute timers to motivate you will require a new approach that doesn’t bypass your emotional management and belief systems.
Here’s why:
In my journey to overcoming procrastination, I found the less I focused on my time management and the more I focused on what FEELINGS were causing me to procrastinate, the easier it became to hit the ground running on my most important task every morning *without* the “you’re lazy” voice running in the back of the mind
In the last 4 years, I’ve..
- Helped over 800 high-achieving procrastinators
- Supported a combined online community of 250,000+ individuals
- Never had to send a “Sorry this is late” email
- Ditched any “who am I to do this” imposter syndrome
- Don’t work most Fridays and weekends!
All through taking myself through the same framework I now teach my clients, which I’d love to share with you!
How would it feel if...
- When you know you need to do something, you sit down and do it instead of saying, “I’ll do it later.”
- The motivation flows to you. Getting started on tasks (whether it’s your work to-do’s or doing the laundry) no longer feels like dragging your feet in the mud.
- You’re more focused now, which means you’re faster at executing because you’re no longer numbing yourself with mindless TikTok scrolling and watching cat videos.
- You’re starting to *actually* make progress on your personal and professional goals because you finally have the white space in your calendar for people and things that matter to you.
Avoidance to Action Masterclass Bundle
Designed for procrastinators, perfectionists, and people pleasers who can’t seem to get out of their own way. Eliminate the root cause of your self-limiting habits and take confident action to achieve your biggest goals.
What You'll Get in the ATA Masterclass Bundle
- 6 Top Tools that provide a shortcut to decreasing overwhelm, managing your emotions, getting organized, and improving focus
- The Procrastination Cheat Sheet to give you immediate clarity on what’s really holding you back
- My Fear Exposing Formula which will lower your resistance to tasks and allow you to navigate each day with a deep sense of calm and confidence
- Tailored strategies for individuals with ADHD to overcome avoidant tendencies
- Bonus access to 12+ hours of coaching footage with Grace and previous procrastination clients

Masterclass 1:
Thought Management for Overcoming Procrastination
Explore the sneaky thought patterns that trick you into delaying important tasks and how to outsmart them

Masterclass 2:
Emotional Management for Procrastination + Developing Consistency
Learn why you procrastinate certain tasks more than others (fun fact: it has nothing to do with laziness!)

Masterclass 3:
Building Self-Worth and Working Through Subconscious Patterns
Root out the limiting beliefs that keep procrastination in the driver’s seat

Masterclass 4:
Overcoming Perfectionism and Navigating Fears
Discover ways to hack your brain to take immediate action instead of getting stuck overanalyzing

Masterclass 5:
Time, Stress, and Burnout Management
Learn why energy management is even more important than time management (a principle most productivity gurus miss!)

Masterclass 6:
Increase your Decision Making Skills
Unlock the “Zen mindset” that prevents disappointment when things don’t go as planned

Masterclass 7:
How to Deep Work and Boost Motivation
Dive into the reasons why working hard often backfires and the counterintuitive type of work that drives results

Masterclass 8:
The Art of Mastering Habits
Discover why telling yourself to “just do it” rarely works long-term and what to do instead

With this all-in-one toolkit, you’ll be able to get out of your own way and become the get-sh*t-done person you’re meant to be.
When you learn how to manage your mind and not just your schedule, distractions no longer get a second glance. You start your days mindfully and energized, accomplishing more by 10 AM than you used to by the afternoon.
No more falling down rabbit holes and losing hours to mindless scrolling. You breeze through deep focused work on the weekdays and have time to pursue hobbies or passion projects on the weekends.
You free yourself from the overwhelm of constant overcommitment. And when a new opportunity pops up, you confidently say “Yes!” instead of worrying about your workload.
Finishing ahead of the deadline becomes your new reality. Gone are the days of constant guilt and late nights playing catch-up.
You now have the space and capacity to show up for people. You’re fully present as your best self—without unfinished work weighing on your mind.
The proof is in the pudding…
“I think some of my biggest results were just in general mentality shifts – my ability to digest emotions and enjoy them in all their forms is far more advanced than I ever thought than I ever than I ever could have imagined.”
“Grace made me feel heard. She’s very passionate about what she does. She opened my eyes to the fact that being a perfectionist is something that a lot of people deal with and that there are ways to combat it.”
“My experience has been nothing short of a miracle. I learned how to stay highly motivated both personally and in business. Even though I had a busy schedule, enrolling myself helped me save time in the long run and not procrastinate.”
“I feel so much lighter and happier because I really learned how to understand and embrace myself through this program. I now feel so much more control over my time and my mental capacity.”
“Grace’s videos were so cutting and full of clear and actionable advice. Her advice was always very concise and showed some depth of understanding that she understood the root cause of the issues that we’re dealing with.”
The total value of this program is $4000 but you’re not even paying half of that.
Are you ready for consistent, motivated and productive days so that you can meet your full potential?
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How does this differ from your program Today not Tomorrow?
A: Both cover the same topics: procrastination, building self-worth, unlearning perfectionism and people pleasing, emotional management, and time management. Today not Tomorrow is for you if you prefer to learn through live coaching on a set timeline. The Avoidance to Action Masterclass Bundle is perfect for you if you like a DIY bargain.
Q: I bought other courses before, but they didn’t stick. What makes this one unique?
A: Time management methods and relying on willpower alone are not as effective without learning how to manage your mind and emotions. In this training, we go beyond timers and keeping away your smartphone.
Instead, we’ll address the root cause of what’s been keeping you stuck so you can start making real progress on your goals. (Spoiler: You’re not just lazy or lacking discipline. It’s much deeper than that!)
Q: What if I’m busy and don’t have a ton of time?
A: No problem! The training is self-paced, so you can take charge of your learning experience. And you’ll only need about 30 minutes per week to experiment with the tools I’ll give you. These resources will help you take faster action and reflect on the breakthrough insights you’ll get from my prompts.
Q: Do I get to keep the videos and resources forever?
A: Yes, you have lifetime access to everything. Feel free to revisit the material whenever you need to. (No need to rush and risk information overload!)
Q: I’m excited to explore new ways to beat procrastination, but will this work even if I have ADHD?
A: Absolutely. Whether you have ADHD or not, the same principle holds true: you don’t avoid actions, you avoid feelings.
There are some additional barriers those with ADHD experience (like executive dysfunction), but the core solution is still learning how to manage your mind and emotions AND having access to tools that make it much easier to start.